Friday, 23 September 2011


I just finished Room by Emma Donaghue. When I picked it up I thought she was a new writer, and actually she has written a couple of books, so I am going to have to pick those up eventually.

Room is about a five year old boy whose whole world is a 11x11 room which he and his mother live in. Most nights at 9 pm a man comes in the room, but Jack (the boy) thinks that he is only half-real because he lives outside the room for most of the day. He calls outside - Outer Space.

Over the course of the novel he finds out the truth, in a very interesting way. His discovery of the world outside Room is fantastic. Everything that we take for granted he has to learn again. Like how in Room everything is his and his mothers. Outside he steals a book (without knowing) thinking that the book is his from his Room, only cleaner. He has to be told about the fact there are thousands, millions of books and everyone can buy a copy. His idea of waste is really interesting too.

It always surprises me what comes out of author's heads, and the way the communicate it to paper. A really beautiful read!

Wednesday, 14 September 2011

Monument Valley

So I finished a new piece of art, well its finally dry at least, so here it is:

I found a photo of Monument Valley, Utah online and thought the colors were amazing. This photo is a little blurry because I can't figure out how to use my husband's camera, but I sort of like it this way, it softens some of the lines.

Along with school I am back in an art class once a week for now.

Must get back to reading the Hobbit!

Sunday, 4 September 2011

School work avoidance

So at the moment I am avoiding school work. The school year hasn't even started yet (starts on Monday) and already I am trying to avoid work. This seems like a bad beginning. I will do better once the school year starts - I hope.

Basically I have read four out of the five books I needed to do for summer reading, the fifth being Clockwork Orange, and I am finding it difficult to pick this particular book up.

I am a lover of romance, and the first four books were: Frankenstein, 1984, Lolita and House of Mirth. Now despite this last book's title - it was not full of mirth, in fact is was very sad and I cried. So now after four of those books I took a break by reading two Jennifer Lyon books - which were lovely and full of the romance I craved. They were the third and fourth book in the Wing Slayer series. But now the idea of slogging through the slovo and nadsat words that Burgess uses in Clockwork Orange - well that's just intolerable and I am trying to figure out a way around this.

There isn't one - I know there isn't. SO I best get back to the grindstone!