Thursday, 9 September 2010

Horror Movie Moment

So last night there was a massive (okay not massive, but a big) thunder/lightening storm in Hong Kong.  The storm was mostly on the island side - we live on the Kowloon side - so we could watch most of it from our bedroom.  It was great, hubby and I stayed up later than usual watching lighting strike various points on the island, then hearing the thunder clap loudly around us.

After watching for a little while something slammed into the window.  It freaked me out to no end, and since we didn't have the light on all we saw was a blob.  Then the thunder clapped and the lightening lit up the sky and I had a total Silence of the Lambs moment when we saw...a freaking huge moth!  Its not like the thing could have flown here easily - we live on the 45th floor!  I made my husband check to make sure the windows were shut so the huge thing couldn't get in.  Hubby said I was letting my imagination get away with me being freaked out by just a moth on the other side of the glass - boy was he wrong - my imagination hadn't begun to get away with me.

The damn thing stayed there for ages (I don't even know when it left) trying to stay out of the pelting rain and storm.

I did have a little trouble sleeping with the moth on the window though as I was afraid that it would mutate, create acid saliva, bore a hole in our window, then attack me while I slept (don't laugh it could have happened).  Or it could have sonically called its other moth friends, beat their wings until the window shattered and they could all attack me to death while I slept. I kept hubby awake for a while longer with stories of mutant moths and my general demise by mutant moth(s) - until he lovingly told me to stop freaking myself out, and go to sleep as he had to be in early the next day and that there was absolutely no way that the moth could become a mutant to do any of the things I described. I stubbornly said he had no proof anything I said couldn't happened and got some snoring in response.

In the very early morning my husband felt the need to wake me up at some god forsaken time before he left for work to tell me that I was not dead and the moth was gone and there was no hole in our window from acid saliva - or anything else.  I said to fuck off and then replied that I could have figured those things at a more sensible time in the morning!

I personally hate moths and I think this picture is disgusting - but the story is interesting, or at least it seemed more interesting then anything I saw to take a picture of today.

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